IT-ISAC Special Interest Groups
A core value of IT-ISAC membership is the ability to collaborate with colleagues and subject matter experts from other member companies on common topics. This collaboration is supported by the protection of the IT-ISAC Member Agreement. Being involved in an IT-ISAC special interest group is a great way to engage with peers in other member companies.
IT-ISAC Special
Interest Groups
A core value of IT-ISAC membership is the ability to collaborate with colleagues and subject matter experts from other member companies on common topics. This collaboration is supported by the protection of the IT-ISAC Member Agreement. Being involved in an IT-ISAC special interest group is a great way to engage with peers in other member companies.

Critical SaaS SIG
The Critical SaaS (CSaaS) SIG serves as a forum for CSaaS companies to collaborate on a collective defense strategy to improve the security and operational resiliency of their services and share intelligence information with the industry at large. It enables companies who are essential to the internet to share cyber threat intelligence and effective security practices. It also provides a framework for these companies to collaborate on future security issues. The SIG holds a weekly analysts meeting and requires an application from interested companies. This group is designed for security managers, analysts, and IT executives from Critical SaaS companies.

Data Center SIG
The Data Center SIG provides a platform for member organizations to discuss, identify, and mitigate risks targeting the data center industry, and to collaborate on strategic endeavors to fortify both physical and digital security. The group aims to drive enhanced safety measures within member companies and collectively across industry to promote stronger, more secure digital infrastructure.

Elections Industry SIG
The Elections Industry SIG supports voting technology providers by giving them an industry-only forum to share information about threats to their enterprises and systems and collaborate on election security challenges. This group meets bi-weekly. This SIG requires an application to be completed by interested companies and is designed for participation from senior-level employees at election technology companies, such as those that operate in government affairs or security.

Insider Threat SIG
The Insider Threat Special Interest Group enables IT-ISAC members to collaborate on how to identify malicious and non-malicious threats within their organizations. The Insider Threat SIG provides a forum where members can share information about tools, processes, technologies, and policies used to identify and mitigate insider threats. This SIG currently operates via a listserv and virtual meetings are held when requested. This SIG is designed for those who are responsible for building and managing Insider Threat programs within their companies.

Physical Security SIG
The Physical Security SIG provides a forum for subject-matter experts within our membership to discuss physical security and business continuity issues and share effective practices to mitigate or respond to threats. This group provides an efficient way to distribute information we receive on physical security threats and incident reports, from natural disasters, accidents, intentional attacks and other matters impacting physical security and business continuity. This SIG does not require an application, but participants must be IT-ISAC members.

Security Intelligence SIG
The Security Intelligence SIG brings together the senior level analysts from our member companies to exchange ideas, strategies, techniques, and information regarding advanced threat detection and enterprise risk management. This SIG meets bi-weekly and is designed for senior-level security analysts.

Semiconductor Industry SIG
The IT-ISAC Semiconductor SIG facilitates operational sharing of cyber threat intelligence, best practices, and effective mitigations among analysts of SIG member companies. Through this, the SIG better enables members to defend against specific threat actors targeting the industry.
SIG Membership and Eligibility
The number of SIGs companies can participate in are limited based on their membership level. The Semiconductor SIG membership is open to IT-ISAC member companies that:
Design or manufacture computer chips or memory devices;
Develop software used to design or manufacture chips and memory devices; or
Build machines that make chips or memory devices.